Charles Vandepeer speaks, writes, researches and teaches on critical thinking, analytic skills and decision-making in the corporate and public sectors. Charles also holds a number of honorary and lecturing positions at universities in Australia and the United States.
His writing, training and presentations are based on plain speaking, jargon-free language with a focus on useful, practical approaches aimed at genuinely helping people. He has been recognised for the quality of his teaching, most recently receiving an award based on outstanding student feedback. Charles has been published in national and international journals (in both English and French) and has spoken nationally and internationally.
Completing his undergraduate degree at the University of the South Pacific (Fiji), Charles gained first-hand experience in understanding the power and influence that cultures, mindsets and perspectives can have on how we interpret and interact with the world around us. Charles completed Honours and, later in his career, a PhD at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He is the author of Applied Thinking for Intelligence Analysis, now in its third print run.